According to sources from the hospital, the lady Sudesna Behera (22) of Baduapali under Dhama police station was in advance stage and admitted on Sunday (26th July) after she was having severe pain. The doctor in the Gynec-ward advised the patient to go for cesarean and ultimately the lady was delivered a boy child on the same day. The condition of the mother was well on Sunday. Though she was heavily bled, the doctor did not take step to administer blood to her immediately after the operation.
“When we asked the doctor to give blood to the patient he remains silent. We had already arranged blood so when the doctor did not give importance, we kept the blood in the fridge of a medicine shop. But her condition was severe on Monday and we did not find the treating doctor despite out thorough search. On enquiry we found that the treating doctor did tot turn up on Monday as he was out of station”, husband of the deceased lady Anaryami Behera told.
“On out request another doctor came and administered the blood to the patient. But she died with in an hour of taking the blood”, Anaryami told in a broken heart. He did not know how to take care the new born baby with out the absent of his mother.
When contacted the CDMO RK Nath expressed his ignorance about the incident and assured to take appropriate step to investigate the issue. Since ADMO is in charge of the hospital I will ask him to give me a report on it. In case the operation was done on Sunday, I do not know why blood was not given on the same day. But unless i know the actual situation it is difficult to comment on it”, the CDMO Dr. Nath told.
The police have not yet taken step to send the dead body for autopsy or to register any case in this matter. “When we have not received any complaint from any one how can we register a case in the matter?” the Sadar SDPO Dilip Kumar Deo told.
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