Can a visual impaired person be active on the internet
as normal.?. But to what extent? Can he chat on social networking
sites or can he be as quick and efficient like person with proper eyesight? A Sambalpur youth has come up with answer to all these
Thirty-nine years old Rakesh Babu of Sambalpur town , who is also the grandson of famous politician late Banamali Babu has to walk a long ways to become the assistant professor of information studies at the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (USA) and presently is exploring the way to
make Internet and computers more accessible for the blind and visually
impaired person. Babu also believess his research on usability can also provide benefit to
computer users with sight. He is also first sightless of the globe to get a doctoral
degree in Information system.
A Graduated from Gangadhar Meher college of
Sambalpur district town of western Odisha, he lost his future hope after losing his eye sight. due to suffering from ‘ Tepidity retinal degeneracy’ which he describes as one of the rare
of rarest disease. He remains idle for more than 5 years in Sambalpur before he
started his journey to USA. Thanks to the advice of his sister, resides in USA to take a chance. In fact his aim was to get proper treatment, but his US-stay provides a new vision to the visual impaired youth. He than decided to join in the IT sector to prove his confidence and ability.
“It was a nice experience for me. In our country, if you are a blind no once see your talent. But in USA if you have talent, your physical condition is secondary”, Rakesh said while talking to the author during his visit to Sambalpur. He claimed that he has the ability to do something but also believed that person having blindness from birth has more ability than him.

“It was a nice experience for me. In our country, if you are a blind no once see your talent. But in USA if you have talent, your physical condition is secondary”, Rakesh said while talking to the author during his visit to Sambalpur. He claimed that he has the ability to do something but also believed that person having blindness from birth has more ability than him.

To combat that, Babu’s research – dubbed “The Mind of the Blind on the Web” – focuses on understanding the problems blind people encounter in today’s internet-centric society by removing the obstacles to provide equal opportunities to sight-less. He is presently working on “Decoding the Mind of the Blind” as he feels mind is the visual organ of blind person.
Who says Rakesh Babu is blind. It is we the world who are blind, as despite having the eye sight we the able persons are impaired to give the vision to the blind. Where as Rakesh Babu is working out to invent the technology that will show a beaming light to the visualy impaired.
ReplyDeleteWe are proud of our Koshali boy.
E.Kiran Mohan