The jollity of the people, gathered in the quarter bearing number 156 of the samablpur reserve police for the ensuing marriage of the girl that scheduled to be held on 1st July was suddenly turned in to sore after the unexpected demise of the girl’s father Narashigh Mahakud. He breathed his last fighting with the Maoist on Monday but his untimely death has killed his dream of seeing the marriage of his younger daughter. He was bit worried of a full-proved preparation of his daughter’s marriage because of his engagement in Maoist operation. But he never dispense up his duty for personal work.
“It was a severe loss to out police department as he was an officer of conviction. He bravely fought with Maoist when ever he was deployed. This time also we have specially requisite him from Jharsuguda to combat the situation. But t our bad luck this became his last”, the DSP crime (Sambalpur) Dinabandhu Patel told. It was a moment for family members to celebrate the occasion when Narasingh Mahakud was selected as best police officer in 2008 and received president medal for his commendable service. But they never known his commendable service would take him one day. It was a day for celebration when he was selected for the award but we were not aware that his commendable work in the department would apart us one day”, Birendra, the eldest son told.
Sources said, Narashingh Mahakud, a native of Birmaharajpur of Sonepur district, was selected as best police in the 2008 when he was working as ASI of Sambalpur and received the president award. He was than promoted to sub-inspector and posted to BTM outpost at Jharsuguda. But looking his earlier experience in Maoist operation he was requisite by Sambalpur police on 9th July. He was killed while chasing the Maoist on Monday morning at Kotasahi near Gariakhaman. He was leading the force to the Gariakhaman, a place about 25 km away from the previous firing place, when the Maoist attacked the team. “He was leading the team when Maoist fired on him. The bullet stuck on his head and he died on Monday morning. We have brought his dead body to VSS Medical College Burla for autopsy. We will handover the body to his family after conducting autopsy”, sadar SDPO Dilip Kumar Deo confirmed. Sources said, Mahakud left behind his widow Subasini and 2 sons and 2 daughters. When his eldest daughter Sujata was married 3 years ago, the marriage of younger daughter was scheduled to be held on 1st July. “He assured me not to worry because very soon he will come back on leave for the preparation of my marriage. But now he will never come”, Sujata told in broken heart.
“It was a severe loss to out police department as he was an officer of conviction. He bravely fought with Maoist when ever he was deployed. This time also we have specially requisite him from Jharsuguda to combat the situation. But t our bad luck this became his last”, the DSP crime (Sambalpur) Dinabandhu Patel told. It was a moment for family members to celebrate the occasion when Narasingh Mahakud was selected as best police officer in 2008 and received president medal for his commendable service. But they never known his commendable service would take him one day. It was a day for celebration when he was selected for the award but we were not aware that his commendable work in the department would apart us one day”, Birendra, the eldest son told.
Sources said, Narashingh Mahakud, a native of Birmaharajpur of Sonepur district, was selected as best police in the 2008 when he was working as ASI of Sambalpur and received the president award. He was than promoted to sub-inspector and posted to BTM outpost at Jharsuguda. But looking his earlier experience in Maoist operation he was requisite by Sambalpur police on 9th July. He was killed while chasing the Maoist on Monday morning at Kotasahi near Gariakhaman. He was leading the force to the Gariakhaman, a place about 25 km away from the previous firing place, when the Maoist attacked the team. “He was leading the team when Maoist fired on him. The bullet stuck on his head and he died on Monday morning. We have brought his dead body to VSS Medical College Burla for autopsy. We will handover the body to his family after conducting autopsy”, sadar SDPO Dilip Kumar Deo confirmed. Sources said, Mahakud left behind his widow Subasini and 2 sons and 2 daughters. When his eldest daughter Sujata was married 3 years ago, the marriage of younger daughter was scheduled to be held on 1st July. “He assured me not to worry because very soon he will come back on leave for the preparation of my marriage. But now he will never come”, Sujata told in broken heart.
its really a sad sad time for the family.