“I come to the festival not to enjoy the festival but it is a place where I meet my friends every year. It becomes out annual meeting place as we get an occasion to discuss our problem”, eunuch Bela told. “We are deprived section of the society but we are thankful to the Yatra committees who have created an occasion for us”, another eunuch Lolita told.
Sources said, traditionally eunuch led the Barat of Lord Shiva and there after in the street procession of newly married couple during Sital Sasti Yatra, being organized by the various Yatra Committees in Sambalpur. They do not need any invitation to attend the festival and they come by their own wish every year. The Yatra committee provides them food and shelter and pay nominal amount as pocket money. ‘We consider them as a symbol of the pious as people believe their presence in ritual function gives a positive result”, General Secretary of the Joint Coordination committee Anupam Mishra told. “However looking to their expenses and accommodation we have decided to limit their numbers from this year on ward”, Mr. Mishra added.
More over, with the changing of the time, their traditional costumes of sarees have been replaced with modern jeans and tops. Using cosmetic and modern technique eunuchs keep them attractive. “Do not surprise to see eunuchs, dressed in jeans and tops. They have totally changed themselves with the changing of time”, senior member of the Nandapara Yatra committee Prafulla Hota told.
However the have not changed their thinking even after changing of costumes. They feel it a curse to have born as eunuch. So they pray lord Shiva to give salvation in the next birth. “Lord Shiva is our presiding deity because he is Ardhanariswar (half man and half woman). So we join in his marriage and dance madly because we believe he is the god who releases us from the bondage of eunuch birth”, eunuch Monica contented
it may be mentioned here that the marriage ceremony of Lord Shiva and Parvati will be solemnized on Thursday night and the street procession of Lord Shiva and Parvati will start on Friday and continue till Saturday afternoon. Elaborate arrangements have been made by the various Yatra Committees for the smooth organization of the Sital Sasti
Sources said, traditionally eunuch led the Barat of Lord Shiva and there after in the street procession of newly married couple during Sital Sasti Yatra, being organized by the various Yatra Committees in Sambalpur. They do not need any invitation to attend the festival and they come by their own wish every year. The Yatra committee provides them food and shelter and pay nominal amount as pocket money. ‘We consider them as a symbol of the pious as people believe their presence in ritual function gives a positive result”, General Secretary of the Joint Coordination committee Anupam Mishra told. “However looking to their expenses and accommodation we have decided to limit their numbers from this year on ward”, Mr. Mishra added.

However the have not changed their thinking even after changing of costumes. They feel it a curse to have born as eunuch. So they pray lord Shiva to give salvation in the next birth. “Lord Shiva is our presiding deity because he is Ardhanariswar (half man and half woman). So we join in his marriage and dance madly because we believe he is the god who releases us from the bondage of eunuch birth”, eunuch Monica contented
it may be mentioned here that the marriage ceremony of Lord Shiva and Parvati will be solemnized on Thursday night and the street procession of Lord Shiva and Parvati will start on Friday and continue till Saturday afternoon. Elaborate arrangements have been made by the various Yatra Committees for the smooth organization of the Sital Sasti