4-day techno-management festival ‘Samavesh-2012’ concluded in veer Surendra Sai University of technology (VSSUT) of Burla on Sunday where students of various engineering and technology institutes across the country have participated and displayed various new technology and idea through seminars and exhibitions. The event is designed in such way that it provides ample scope for the exposure of the students participated in the programme. The event also provided an environment to the students where they shared their ideas and thought with each other which they feel would be helpful for their future career.
‘It is really a nice experience to be a part of the ‘Samavesh-2012’. With limited resources the organizers have designed the event in such a manner that each and every participant feels thrilled and cheerful. We also feel the need of such events for technical students as they we get opportunity to share our though and talent”, senior faculty member and Vice-President of the event Sanjay Agrawal said
The participants of the event opined that such progremmes are essential for the technical students as it helps them to explore their inner ability and talent. “Samavesh is the only fest in Odisha with such a great number of events & live participation. Past editions of Samavesh have seen many splendid technical & business events of repute & the same tradition continues even. But this is my first experience to participate such a nice event‘first year student of VSSUT, Stitha Prajnya Panda expressed.
The techno-festival has been formulated and planned by the students of veer Surendra Sai University of Technology with the guidance and cooperation of the vice-chancellor and faculty members. The students of the technology university feel happy to host such an event where more than 200 participants from various technical institutions including silicon, KIIT, ITER and CET of Bhubaneswar, NIT of Rourkela, VITAM of Berhampur and Black diamond of Jharsuguda have participated apart from the host VSSUT.
Besides work-shops and guest lectures, the participants are getting opportunity to participate in the robotics, coding event and technical events including aero-modeling, 3dimention animation and image processing. We are happy to become the participants of the programme, the students of Black diamond
“We feel proud to become the host of the festival as it gives an opportunity to share our thought with our counterparts from various other institutions. With the limited resources and sponsorship from the industrials houses of our vicinity we have organized the event for the greater cause of the technical students of the state. We are thankful to our VC and other faculty members along with our alumni for their supports and encouragement.” Debabrat Panda, a student and member of the organizing committee of the event said.
During the festival students of host institute are getting maximum opportunity to show their talents and experiments. Students of various departments have taken part in various events looking to their taste and interest. “Though we are in civil and mechanical wing we have taken part in ‘robotics because of our interest. We designed our robot with technical help from other students and played successfully in the event”, 3rd year students of black diamond technical institute of Jharsuguda Srustisriya Mohanty and Tapaswini Ray said.
“During the programme we have also organized entertainment and stage show in every night for the relaxation and amusement of the participants. We have included laser-light show and music band during each night”, management leader of Smavesh-2012, Debabrat panda said.