A total 13 persons have been died during last 3 years due to kidney failure in Podabalanda and Kuhi villages under Sambalpur’s Rairakhol sub-division due to lack of proper medical facilities. The Aam Admi party alleged poverty and lack of awareness led the people to suffer from the deadly diseases. The convener of the party MR Patnaik informed that more than 20 people of the two villages have presently suffered from same kidney problem and they will soon die in case timely medical care is not provided them.
According to him the information collected by his two of the party members who visited the two villages gives a clear picture how poverty and lack of medical care led the patients died one after another. “We are quite surprise to note than there is no step from administration even after death of such a huge number of people from the both villages”, Patnaik alleged.
Patnaik also informed that since the Nephrology department of VSS Medical college hospital is running without doctors, going to Burla becomes meaningless for them. He demanded the health department to collect the sample of the drinking water consumed by the people and find out the cause of kidney failure in the two villages. Submitting a list of the patients, the Aam Admi party appealed the CDMO (Sambalpur) Minakhi Mohanty to take immediate step to save the villagers and find out the reason of suffering the people from the deadly disease.
“ We met the CDMO on Monday and brought the matter into her kind notice. She has assured us to take immediate step to provide treatment to the patients by sending a special team of doctors”, Patnaik said.
According to him the information collected by his two of the party members who visited the two villages gives a clear picture how poverty and lack of medical care led the patients died one after another. “We are quite surprise to note than there is no step from administration even after death of such a huge number of people from the both villages”, Patnaik alleged.
Patnaik also informed that since the Nephrology department of VSS Medical college hospital is running without doctors, going to Burla becomes meaningless for them. He demanded the health department to collect the sample of the drinking water consumed by the people and find out the cause of kidney failure in the two villages. Submitting a list of the patients, the Aam Admi party appealed the CDMO (Sambalpur) Minakhi Mohanty to take immediate step to save the villagers and find out the reason of suffering the people from the deadly disease.
“ We met the CDMO on Monday and brought the matter into her kind notice. She has assured us to take immediate step to provide treatment to the patients by sending a special team of doctors”, Patnaik said.
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