The kingpin of the much hyped "Jewelry world" dacoity incident, Roshan Pratap Singh alias Bablu managed to escape from the police custody from court premises on Tuesday afternoon while he was brought to the court for appurtenance. Police personnel chased him after the incident but failed to trace him, Police however nabbed his aide and co-accused of the incident Tahir Ansari who was cuffed with Bablu. Bablu was one among 6 accused, arrested in the jewelry robbery case that occurred in February 2008. The incident has once again put the district police on their toes.
Sources said, the accused Roshan and Tahir Ansari of the jewelry robbery case that occurred in February 2008 were brought to the sambalpur district court along with other accused for their appearance on Tuesday. At about 1 o’ clock the accused Roshan reportedly requested the police constable on duty to allow him to attend call of the nature. Since Roshan was cuffed with Tahir, The constable Pramod Kishan took them towards the court boundary wall. But Roshan managed to unfasten his hand from the cuff and jumped the boundary wall. He fled away with a auto-rickshaw before police could nab him.
“It was just a fraction of moment and both tried to escape from the spot jumping the boundary wall of the court. While Roshan unfastened his hand from the cuff, the handcuff was remained with Tahir hands. We chased them but failed to nab Roshan. We only caught Tahir” a police constable said. According to him Roshan put chili-dust on the face of the constable Premed before he jumped the boundary wall. While pramod was busy in rubbing his face, Roshan got the opportunity to jump the wall.
Police however, taking the matter seriously informed all neighboring police stations. Police have been also started search at various places to nab the accused. But till evening police are not able to nab the accused. “We have taken the matter seriously. We have also deployed police at various points and search is going on to nab the accused. We hope to get him soon”, SDPO (Sambalpur) Dilip Kumar Deo said.
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